
Effective points of dispute are essential to reduce your client’s potential costs liability.

With provisional assessments now commonplace for most costs claims up to £75,000, (where a court will decide the amount of costs “on the papers” rather than by way of a full “in-person” hearing), it has never been more important to get points of dispute right.

Points of dispute are, in many cases, likely to be your only chance to set out to a judge/master why the costs claimed are disproportionate and excessive and, in some cases, why they should not be payable at all.

Here at GWS Costs, all our fee earners have years of experience in drafting compelling, technically-excellent and accurate, yet realistic points of dispute.  You can rely on our points of dispute to reduce a costs claim and minimise costs exposure to you and your client.

When drafting points of dispute, we will also advise you as to what your likely costs exposure might be, and how best to manage that in terms of tactics and negotiations with your opponent, which we can also undertake for you, if required.

We can work for you on a conventional and competitive hourly rate basis or on the basis of a fixed fee to be agreed between us, whichever is most appropriate in your client’s case.

It’s vital to have someone with experience who is on your side dealing with your costs liabilities.

Contact us – we are here to help.